Our Services

The hospital is Multi-speciality hospital and has adequate number of doctors in various fields. The brief detail of doctors and departments is given as under.


Deptt of Medicine deals with all kinds of Fever, Typhoid, diarrhoeal diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Thyroid Disorders, and other communicable and non-communicable diseases.


Dept. of Surgery is regularly doing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Appendix surgery, Hemorrhoid Surgery, Circumcision, Laparotomy, and all laparoscopic surgeries, hernia surgery, hydrocele surgery.


Dept. of Physiotherapy is providing care for fracture patients aiding them for an early recovery, Arthritis, Paralysis, Congenital disorders, gait training. It is equipped with SWD, US, IFT, TENS, and all other equipment for quicker rehabilitation of the patient.


Dept. of Orthopaedics is involved in the diagnosis, investigation, and treatment of all trauma and fracture cases, Joint replacement surgeries, arthroscopy, Fracture Surgery, and arthritis management in all age groups.


Deptt. of Urosurgery is regularly doing URS, PCNL, TURP, and all Urogenital Surgeries.


All childhood diseases including Congenital anomalies, Injuries, infections, nutritional disorders, fever, diarrhoeal diseases, vaccination


Dept. of gynecology & obstetrics is dealing with safe deliveries, Govt. approved MTP Centre, Safe Caesarean surgeries including Twins and Breech. high-Risk Obstetrics viz. Hypertension, Gestational diabetes, hypothyroidism, bad obstetrical history, recurrent abortions are dealt with due care. All Laparoscopic and abdominal surgeries related to gynecological disorders like Fibroids, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, ovarian tumors, and cysts. Vaginal and Abdominal hysterectomy (uterus removal surgery) done regularly